Monday 15 June 2015


Visual Diary Task
-We was required to find 3 images that shows one point perspective and 3 images that shows to 2 point perspective and paste it into our visual diary.
-Using different colours to differentiate the points.

One Point Perspective :

Vanishing Point (VP) = Green
Ground Line(GL) = Red
Vertical Line (VL) = Yellow 
Horizon Line (HL) =Blue

Two Point Perspective:

Reflection : Learning about how do we see and draw one and two pint perspective. Define properly the HL, VL, GL , & Others. 

Monday 1 June 2015


Redang Trip
We went to redang for our final project at our mid-sem break. It was fun and I was so tan after two days of continuously snorkeling. But it was worth it. I saw lots of amazing fishes and corals while snorkeling. But ofcourse we have assignments and task too. haha.

Visual Diary Task 1 

This task is to sketch one element in Redang beach.
I choose volleyball because I enjoy playing volleyball in redang beach and it was a must activity in every beach .

Visual Diary Task 2

Task is to use 6 of the fundamentals and sketch the journey from our last day at Redang untill we reach Taylor University. 

Reflection : I took some of the idea from Redang Island for my final project that was to create a storyline which leads to a mysterious island creatively.  It was a fun trip and a great oppurtunities to observe the surrounding of Redang Island and the amazing underwater creatures. Hoping for the second trip :)