My Abstract Studio


I would like to share some of my paintings and maybe some art craft and others. Well, i like painting and crafts very much just if i had more leisure time to do so it would be great. But well , sometimes i manage to squeeze out time to do some painting to release stress and by doing art craft to earn some money. So i'll be updating more of my painting soon. :) My painting is not as great as a professional but what i do for just fun and as my interest and hobby. Well there's a saying goes that there's no judgement for arts. Enjoy ! :)

This was my second sunflower painting, while my first sunflower painting was given to my best friend NICOLE YAP WEN SHIN as a farewell gift (she went to US for study aboard) . I dont know why but sunflower is my favourite flower for painting. Oh i was really surprise of the outcome. well i was actually scared that i couldnt bring out the sense or shape of a sunflower. But then i have lots to improve too! :)

This was a painting whom my best friend YAAN seek help from me to paint a sunset canvas painting for her boyfriend as a valentines present. HAHA how sweet are them. i tried to let her finish by her own and the outcome was quite nice too. bravo to my lovely friend!

Oh, this was a tragic painting. haha why say so? bec actually i wanted to try something very abstract by using different colour shapes and draw it without using any thoughts just go through the flow. The outcome was terrible , it was like a grass ground which have a lots of hole after bomming. I was so dissapointed and i end up painting it all with black and splash over using some kinda like knife tools with various of colours. So here's my colourful abstract painting which contain sadness inside.

My first try using a method which i observe by the art piece of DANIS CHAFER and KARINA BANIA . i found them at instagram and they was superb . I like their works so so so so soooooo much !! So I kept studying about the colour combination and the skills they use. It was really fun to draw these kinds of abstract art. I found it so interesting!

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