Wednesday 20 April 2016

Observation Detail Life Sketch Journal (IKEA)

Observation Detail Life Sketch Journal (IKEA)
-We are required to do an observation at IKEA Damansara  on 20/4/2016 and sketch 3 different types of furniture (chair, table, cabinet) with different materials. 
- We have to take pictures of the choosen furniture and measure it and sketch it into the journal. 
- Each of the selected furniture must have minimum 2 drawings together with minimum 2 specifications in one page . 

KLINGSBO Glass-door Cabinet 


STOCKHOLM Swivel Chair

Reflection: From this observation task I've learn how to measure a furniture or an object accurately. Going out from my comfort zone and observe the details of a furniture in a public place is a very good start for me .  

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Detailing&Working Drawings Task2

We was given a lecture "Interior Detailing" which will be learning about specification of details drawings . Specification is a written documents to describe the required materials and for the execution of the work. For this task, we was given 3 different furniture pictures to be sketch and to write the appropriate specification.

Exercises that given on lecture class . 


Office Chair


Reflection: From this task I learned how to write appropriate specification to a furniture which is very important for interior detailing and for someone such as a contractor or a manufacturer to easily understand the materials, measurement and others. Other than that, I learned how to observe the details of a furniture. 

Monday 4 April 2016

Detailing & Working Drawings

Detailing & Working Drawings (Sem3 March)
Task was to prepare a new B5 journal book 
with drawings on cover and a observation sketch using pen of the drafting table. 

Front cover

Back cover 

Observation sketch of drafting table with 3 different view (perspective , top and front view ) 

Drafting table chosen.