Monday 20 April 2015


Sketching Interior Physical Component
-primary interior physical elements ( chair, upholstered seating, table, and storage )

Visual Diary Task
-print out a sample of each of the elements,paste it and sketch it from a box.

Sketch of a table

Sketch of a chair

Sketch of upholstered sitting 

Sketch of storage 

human figure in different perspective 

Saturday 11 April 2015


Sketch Note 
-notes created from mix of handwriting, drawings, shapes and different elements.

A sketchnote about no talking/ silent and no food.

Visual Diary Task 1

5 Basic elements - circle, square, triangle, lines and dots.

Visual Diary Task 2

Create own ways to show out our human figure.
Draw out 5 activities - standing, running, sitting, walking and jumping.

 Sketchnote about 6 fundamentals - lettering, bullets , connectors, frames, shadow and people. 

 Visual Diary Task 3

Reading it's like listening with your eyes

Monday 6 April 2015


Tonal Values
There are 4 basic techniques tonal shading for sketches: hatching, crosshatching, scribbling and stippling.

Visual diary task
-sketch from light to dark by using four different techniques.

Stippling techniques from light to dark 
Stippling-shades by fine dots 

hatching techniques from light to dark
hatching-repetition of parallel lines

Crosshatching techniques from light to dark
Crosshatching - different cross line

Scribbling techniques from light to dark
Scribbling - random lines 

sketches of fruits (apple and pear) by using 3 different techniques (crosshatching, hatching and scribbling) 

Sketches of a watch using hatching techniques.


Basic Forms

This was my first assignment that we were taught about basic forms. Basic form included 3 shapes and 3 forms. 3 shapes are square, circle and triangle. 3 forms are cube , cone , cylinder, sphere and pyramid. We use cube to draw out the forms of cone, cylinder, sphere and pyramid.

A simple sketch about basic forms.

Basic form knowledge 
3 shapes (square, circle and triangle) 3 Forms (cube , cone and cylinder)

sketches from a cube to a pyramid

sketches from a cylinder to a cube

Visual Diary Task
-we have to draw a objects with a cube form,cylinder form , cone form and sphere form. And the last one is the combinations of every of the forms. 

a sphere form - sweet

a cone form - party hat

a cylinder form- wine bottle

a cube form - table

Combinations of all forms