Monday 6 April 2015


Basic Forms

This was my first assignment that we were taught about basic forms. Basic form included 3 shapes and 3 forms. 3 shapes are square, circle and triangle. 3 forms are cube , cone , cylinder, sphere and pyramid. We use cube to draw out the forms of cone, cylinder, sphere and pyramid.

A simple sketch about basic forms.

Basic form knowledge 
3 shapes (square, circle and triangle) 3 Forms (cube , cone and cylinder)

sketches from a cube to a pyramid

sketches from a cylinder to a cube

Visual Diary Task
-we have to draw a objects with a cube form,cylinder form , cone form and sphere form. And the last one is the combinations of every of the forms. 

a sphere form - sweet

a cone form - party hat

a cylinder form- wine bottle

a cube form - table

Combinations of all forms 

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