Monday 26 December 2016

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Project 2a

Project 2a: Promotional Kiosk

Our group Native have to either choose to re-brand or create a new branding for our promotional booth, CIS products and others. We choose Origins for our re-branding brand for Native and we discuss among our group to decide what kind of booth or CIS products that we should offer. Basically, Jocelyn and Beh zhi ying gave the idea of the booth and help out the logo and model. I and Joanne wrap up most of the digital work such as 3dmax, CIS products, brochure and others. I sincerely felt that we did really bad for this project and there are really much more improvement that we should consider and make an effort after some comments from the lecturers. Due to some issues, we consistently change the idea of our booth and make up a little mess and our group really should be more careful and take note this issues. I truly appreciate the comments from the lecturer and i hope we can work it out better results.

Presentation Slides ( Google Drive) :

A1 Group Presentation Board:

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