Wednesday 6 September 2017

Community Service Initiative - Part 1

Community Service Initiative - Part 1

It's the first week of semester and we had the chance to visit the PPOC Centre ( Persatuan Pemulihan Orang- Orang Cacat), an organization to help disable people in the society. This organization helps the disabled to develop and achive their maximum potential in order for them to earn a living and improve their quality of life. Through this subject, we was given an opportunity to work some task to enhance their quality of study area and spaces. Everyone of us will choose one of the task and I choose the topic of  "Fun Learning Aids". There are different task such as transformation of wall and floor, re-animate furniture in class, fun learning aids on the wall, video montage and recording of transformation from previous to after.

To understand the children thoughts and to have a clearer prespective of what they like and what they dislike, I and my group mate had a interesting talk with one of the boy. He was shy and friendly but yet we managed to had fun talk within us, making friends with them. By understanding their thoughts, we could create and design a suitable proposal for our task which is to create the fun learning aids for them and at the same time having fun leisure for them while waiting for their turn for tutotial sessions.

It's was nice and heart warming of them and I wish help them as much as I could to enchance their quality of life in study and other aspects.

Thanks you.

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