Thursday 5 October 2017

Community Service Initiative - Part 2 & 3

Community Service Initiative - Part 2

After meeting up the childrens in PPOC, we went back brainstorming and do research about different kinds of learning aid which is more suitable for them and at the same time evoke their interest in playing the learning aids. After some research and reading, we came up some proposal which is suitable for them and also some proposal of learning aid which is modified by us to cope their ability. 

After proposing, Ms Norji gave us some comments and advise to take note while preparing. We decided the proposal which is the scrabble (modified), algorithm and word puzzle (modified)

We went to research and make some phone calls about the wholesale toy shop and found one wholesal toy shop located at Jalan Raja Laut which is alos a recommendation shop from my dad. So we went and bought some of the materials we need and also the propose of new learning aid. 

Below are some picture took while buying the materials:

Community Service Initiative - Part 3

After the preparation or materials, we decided to meet up and finish up the graphic ideas to put in to the modified scrabble part. We design then print, paste, cut and form this learning aid for them. The card was design to be more colourful as they are more interested in colours.

Below are some picture of the making process:

Week5, after showing the peogrss we find out that our current materials are not enough to supply them so we went down to the location to get more materials.

We took pictures of the instruction and progress of how to play the learning aids for presentation slide use.

Everyone contributes their own part. We went to the pen mart shop at kl together to buy the material as it cost cheaper alot than the normal shop and at the same time I bargain with them to get some discount too hahaha. We help each other in finding pics for the puzzle, cutting, pasting and others. Lastly, I help in doing the final presentation slides for the presentation on week 7.

Thanks to the effort from everyone of us and we manage to finish up everything on time!

Final Presentation in 11/10/2017 had done with eveyrone and every group to present our outcome to the ppoc students, PPOC community, lecturers, fellow students and taylor marketting team.

Let me wrap up my whole journey with our team group picture in ppoc.

 Youtube Video Link of our whole progression in PPOC by our video production team:

Look thorugh more information in our website :

Thank you.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Community Service Initiative - Part 1

Community Service Initiative - Part 1

It's the first week of semester and we had the chance to visit the PPOC Centre ( Persatuan Pemulihan Orang- Orang Cacat), an organization to help disable people in the society. This organization helps the disabled to develop and achive their maximum potential in order for them to earn a living and improve their quality of life. Through this subject, we was given an opportunity to work some task to enhance their quality of study area and spaces. Everyone of us will choose one of the task and I choose the topic of  "Fun Learning Aids". There are different task such as transformation of wall and floor, re-animate furniture in class, fun learning aids on the wall, video montage and recording of transformation from previous to after.

To understand the children thoughts and to have a clearer prespective of what they like and what they dislike, I and my group mate had a interesting talk with one of the boy. He was shy and friendly but yet we managed to had fun talk within us, making friends with them. By understanding their thoughts, we could create and design a suitable proposal for our task which is to create the fun learning aids for them and at the same time having fun leisure for them while waiting for their turn for tutotial sessions.

It's was nice and heart warming of them and I wish help them as much as I could to enchance their quality of life in study and other aspects.

Thanks you.

Monday 26 December 2016

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Final Project

Final Project; Curative Retreat
I learned a lot from this process and after I heard the comments from the panel judges and lecturer I felt that there are really lots of improvement space that I could make in terms of design and others. I am really glad of myself that I had successfully finished it on time but yet there alot more of effort , consideration, thinking and practice to work out everything into a perfect work.

2A0 Presentation Board (old)

2A0 Presentation Board (Resubmission)

Model (Old)

Model ( Resubmission)

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Project 2b

Project 2b: Site Analysis

This a group site analysis project and was divided to different category and we can choose which category we should work for. I went to the Swot group and take note the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of the at area and the house ( The Grey House, Bangsar) After gather all information we compile it together and compile it into presentation slides. Joanne and I help out Mishu to design and compile the slides.

Slide Presentations ( Group Project) :

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Project 2a

Project 2a: Promotional Kiosk

Our group Native have to either choose to re-brand or create a new branding for our promotional booth, CIS products and others. We choose Origins for our re-branding brand for Native and we discuss among our group to decide what kind of booth or CIS products that we should offer. Basically, Jocelyn and Beh zhi ying gave the idea of the booth and help out the logo and model. I and Joanne wrap up most of the digital work such as 3dmax, CIS products, brochure and others. I sincerely felt that we did really bad for this project and there are really much more improvement that we should consider and make an effort after some comments from the lecturers. Due to some issues, we consistently change the idea of our booth and make up a little mess and our group really should be more careful and take note this issues. I truly appreciate the comments from the lecturer and i hope we can work it out better results.

Presentation Slides ( Google Drive) :

A1 Group Presentation Board:

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Project 1

Project 1: Research Findings: Curative Service

Our group consist me, Joanne, Joscelyn and Beh Zhi Ying. We are chosen for the topic of NATIVE in one part of the curative research. We decided to focus on Chinese and Thai treatment and divided our research in to half which me and joanne will do research of Thai and the other hand beh zhi ying and joscelyn will do the Chinese part. After the research, we done fews of butterpaper consist keypoint and some research mind mapping and others to understand better towards this two kinds of treatment and the term of native too. In the end, we have to produce a 5 minute short video about native which based on our research. So i and Joanne will do the Thai part and Joeclyn and beh zhi ying will do the Chinese part and at the end i combine both of the video and make some edit changes.

The link bellow will be the video and I hope you enjoy watching!

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Video Editing Final Project Submission (Video Making)


Job scope: Editor

As a editor I learned a lot from the arrangement, transition, editing of the video and audio. Being an editor is not really an easy job as I am not really familiar and a professional of Premier Pro CC but yet I take this opportunity to learn something new and enhance it. From the director point of view, we make the whole video like a MV with some subtitles and effects. It goes from a happy start to a sad ending which had imply two different songs to show the progress of storyline. Editing is harder when you found out there's missing part or problems in camera angle view. We did retake some of the view due to some issues and yes finally we succeed to make it complete on time. Thanks to the actors and members crew!!