Saturday 5 September 2015


- given a assignment to make a info graphic board for the choose genres we had pick. (ELECTRONICA - ELECTRONIC DANCE MUSIC ) 
- a group assignment with Carmen, Imani , Shiang Qian , Zack and Me ( Wen Wei)

Electronic Dance Music infographic board 

 Group photo :)

From the start we plan everything then arrange our topic which who should do which topic. Then we had to think for the design as Imani sketch one of the ideas about the whole design of the infographic board. We agree to make a pop put DJ stage at the bottom of the board. I was assign to do the timeline part the one about EDM history in 1960s to 2000s. Icon was done by Shiang Qian , Imani was assign to do the genres part, Carmen was assign to do the music festivals part and fashion and the last one was Zack by doing the characteristics part. It was my first time doing group assignment with them and first good try. They have very great ideas and design and I learn alot from them. I was then helping them cutting and pasting after I had done my part. The fashion part was quite a interesting part done my Carmen and Shiang Qian. We really do accomplish our teamwork spirit, Zack brought his DJ set to let us know more about EDM and we thought it was a great idea and maybe we could put a great impression for lectures as it was our first assignment in Interior Design Projects 1.
We wore something festival clothes that day for our presentation. haha I hope lecturers would like our presentation and ofcourse our infographic board too. At the end everyone of us done a very good job for the board. Thanks to everyone.  

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