Monday 14 September 2015


-We are required to do a rhythm wall (2400mm*2400mm *300mm) based on our music genre - EDM (Electronica Dance Music)
- My entire idea was about lights. Sparkle and bright lights that shines out from the stage while DJs and others was on the stage doing their remix, peoples are cheering, dancing, shouting from downstage. Through this wall i wanted to express the  atmosphere, emotions, movement of people/lights in a EDM party. Using different thickness of strings to express the brightness of lights. Sharp shapes to represent the high pitch of melody/music and the glaring of lights. Round shapes to represent the volume and the feel of the center of lights.
-My tagline is "LIGHTS UP THE WORLD"
- I make different things on both side so instead of making similar things on both side I decided to play around the shapes and strings while having shadows,depths and see through characteristics on the wall.
- My whole idea or inspiration is all about the expression of EDM lights from a angle or something like a sight from the ground to the stage.
-Lights up the world, wake them up, show the power of EDM !
to be continued....



Reflection: I did my best to express out the texture , shapes, lines and others of EDM though my understanding and observation. I will work it out more for my next assignment especially wordings and workmanship. I'm not satisfied my wording tho. And yes I will improve it in my next modelling. Thanks! :)

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