Saturday 17 September 2016

Video Editing &Production #2

Refer to the question of: "problems such as violence, terrorism, gangs, racism, hate, and anger. ". What does that mean to you? Why? Why do you care? Tell me. You have time until Sunday 12am.

For me it such problems means negative energy that would brings harm to ppl and the world. It is an act of harming people in either physically or mentally, which people could always choose other options to express out without harming ppl. The world could be more kind and lovely if people choose not to use violence as an action, innocent people would not suffer and everyone could live in a happy environment. I care because we are human beings which we live under a same earth and we should hold, respect and support each other despite differences or conflicts of culture, perspective, and etc. Human life are precious and it's mean something in each different people. In the other, hate and angers is one type of negative thinking which sometime also bring harms to everyone. There's lot of examples that you can see in our society. It's quite obvious that mostly extreme anger and hate always end up in a bad way.They make harmful actions which they felt they could release their anger.Being selfish as they think they own the world by bullying those weak ppl. Im not saying that having emotions of hate and angry is a bad thing but it is how you process it, understand and how to release it.How you think is really very important because now in our society have too much information that you could get it from the internet.These information influences us especially kids and teenagers which they couldn't really manage their own temper and could cause tons of social problems. Lastly, it would be more peaceful if we care and love each other.

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