Wednesday 1 July 2015


Final Portfolio Submission
-Take a picture with the portfolio and the visual diary as a proof of submission. 
- Portfolio done ✔️
Yeah !!

Here's go my picture :) 

Reflection : I was very happy that i manage to finished up my portfolio and all my assignments in time. Time really flies, after finishing my portfolio it means our 1st was going to end. I was happy for my sem breaks holidays and on the same time looking forward for my next semester. I didn't do too much for my cover because i was informed to do a formal instead classy design. But I manage to draw some design for my visual diary cover . I admit that I didn't really done my best on this semester because for me this semester was a adapting period for my university life. I didn't had any experience on foundation or diploma due to I'm a UEC student. Instead having foundation I had my degree course just after my secondary life. I admit that this was not really a good excuses but then I would just like to tell everyone that I will work harder and put more effort for my next semester. Thanks ! :)

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