Monday 6 July 2015


-Survival Pod

Survival Pod presentation board 1
- A sketch of my whole survival pod and details of my functions in the survival pod.

Survival Pod presentation board 2
-Description of my survival pod
-Plan, Section and Elevation of my survival pod.
-Pictures of my mock-up model and my final model..

-A story by using the concept of "TOMORROWAND" and features of "AVATAR" to create a storyline which could lead my character to a mysterious island which have no humans but creatures and danger.
-To make it more creative , I make a flip storyboard, which you can just flip to the other page after you read it, Joining all the stories by flipping it. Finally the last stories lead my character falling off to a tree called the voice of tree that was planted on the mysterious island. In this island , I created two types of creatures and it was "Viperwolf" and "Pomegranate Plant" which one attack on night and the other on morning. 
-In this mysterious island , my character had to build up her survival pod to survive. 

Pictures of model in different angle : 

Survival Pod
-My character choose to use bamboo as her main material for her survival pod due to the flexibility & multifunction of a bamboo . Besides that , she found out lots of bamboo in her area. She builds her pod on land due to characteristics of the creatures. She protect her pod by building up her fence using sharps and thorns bamboo fencing by preventing the attack of the creatures. 
- She had her bow and arrows as her weapons. Besides that, she create her own handmade flute as one of her weapon in her pod because one of  the creatures has characteristic of sound sensitivity.

A picture of me and my Survival Pod.

Reflection: I was really very nervous for my presentation but then i was relief that the presentation goes well though I thought I will screwed out. In this making of my pod i change my ideas a lot to make a perfect pod but luckily that I came out of  this design. Despite all the challenges and stressed, I was proud of myself that I manage to finish up my model on time. Thanks you lecturers for the guidance. Yeah!! :)

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