Monday 26 December 2016

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Final Project

Final Project; Curative Retreat
I learned a lot from this process and after I heard the comments from the panel judges and lecturer I felt that there are really lots of improvement space that I could make in terms of design and others. I am really glad of myself that I had successfully finished it on time but yet there alot more of effort , consideration, thinking and practice to work out everything into a perfect work.

2A0 Presentation Board (old)

2A0 Presentation Board (Resubmission)

Model (Old)

Model ( Resubmission)

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Project 2b

Project 2b: Site Analysis

This a group site analysis project and was divided to different category and we can choose which category we should work for. I went to the Swot group and take note the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of the at area and the house ( The Grey House, Bangsar) After gather all information we compile it together and compile it into presentation slides. Joanne and I help out Mishu to design and compile the slides.

Slide Presentations ( Group Project) :

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Project 2a

Project 2a: Promotional Kiosk

Our group Native have to either choose to re-brand or create a new branding for our promotional booth, CIS products and others. We choose Origins for our re-branding brand for Native and we discuss among our group to decide what kind of booth or CIS products that we should offer. Basically, Jocelyn and Beh zhi ying gave the idea of the booth and help out the logo and model. I and Joanne wrap up most of the digital work such as 3dmax, CIS products, brochure and others. I sincerely felt that we did really bad for this project and there are really much more improvement that we should consider and make an effort after some comments from the lecturers. Due to some issues, we consistently change the idea of our booth and make up a little mess and our group really should be more careful and take note this issues. I truly appreciate the comments from the lecturer and i hope we can work it out better results.

Presentation Slides ( Google Drive) :

A1 Group Presentation Board:

Semester 4 IDP III E-portfolio: Project 1

Project 1: Research Findings: Curative Service

Our group consist me, Joanne, Joscelyn and Beh Zhi Ying. We are chosen for the topic of NATIVE in one part of the curative research. We decided to focus on Chinese and Thai treatment and divided our research in to half which me and joanne will do research of Thai and the other hand beh zhi ying and joscelyn will do the Chinese part. After the research, we done fews of butterpaper consist keypoint and some research mind mapping and others to understand better towards this two kinds of treatment and the term of native too. In the end, we have to produce a 5 minute short video about native which based on our research. So i and Joanne will do the Thai part and Joeclyn and beh zhi ying will do the Chinese part and at the end i combine both of the video and make some edit changes.

The link bellow will be the video and I hope you enjoy watching!

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Video Editing Final Project Submission (Video Making)


Job scope: Editor

As a editor I learned a lot from the arrangement, transition, editing of the video and audio. Being an editor is not really an easy job as I am not really familiar and a professional of Premier Pro CC but yet I take this opportunity to learn something new and enhance it. From the director point of view, we make the whole video like a MV with some subtitles and effects. It goes from a happy start to a sad ending which had imply two different songs to show the progress of storyline. Editing is harder when you found out there's missing part or problems in camera angle view. We did retake some of the view due to some issues and yes finally we succeed to make it complete on time. Thanks to the actors and members crew!! 

Video Editing Assignment 1 Submission (Storyboard)

Yang Wen Wei 

Monday 17 October 2016

Video Editing & Production #7

Gu zheng List Song: 《瑶族舞曲》YAO ZHU WU QU

古筝重奏 Gu zheng Trio

Gu Zheng Solo

Monday 26 September 2016

Video Editing & Productions #4


Wide Shots

Medium Wide Shots

Medium Close up Shots

Close up Shots

Saturday 17 September 2016

Video Editing &Production #3

Some sharing about my music life?

I don't think i have any talent in music but i know if i work hard there's always success in it. I always believe in myself if i work harder i practice more, i'll shine myself on the stage one day. I start out my first instrument which is gu zheng, a chinese traditional instrument which i like it so much at that time. I can't really remember how i approach this instrument and why i like it so much at that time but i think it's because of the sound of the string and the charisma of a person who play this instrument. I learned my first grade of gu zheng when i'm in my form 1 which that age of 13. I went for exam and unexpectedly it was quite good and i skipped grade 2 and now i'm in my grade 7. I felt very grateful to my gu zheng teacher as she insists teaching me my last grade 6 before she retire. So after grade 6 i stopped for awhile and explored others musical instrument which is the keyboard. While i was learning gu zheng, i join chinese orchestra in my school and i choose Cello as my instrument because at that time they dont have any position for gu zheng. So i ended up with cello, and i like it so much. I love the sound of the bass, the low frequent melody. It sooth my feelings and i enjoy it very much. I and my groups member went for competitions and concerts as a representative of our school. It was fun but i quit after graduated from school. The busy life in university made me no choice but just to give up some instrument. While i was learning gu zheng, i learned guitar too and ukelele but for ukelele i learned it myself at home cause i dont have much time and it cost $$ too.
I think that all for now.  

Video Editing &Production #2

Refer to the question of: "problems such as violence, terrorism, gangs, racism, hate, and anger. ". What does that mean to you? Why? Why do you care? Tell me. You have time until Sunday 12am.

For me it such problems means negative energy that would brings harm to ppl and the world. It is an act of harming people in either physically or mentally, which people could always choose other options to express out without harming ppl. The world could be more kind and lovely if people choose not to use violence as an action, innocent people would not suffer and everyone could live in a happy environment. I care because we are human beings which we live under a same earth and we should hold, respect and support each other despite differences or conflicts of culture, perspective, and etc. Human life are precious and it's mean something in each different people. In the other, hate and angers is one type of negative thinking which sometime also bring harms to everyone. There's lot of examples that you can see in our society. It's quite obvious that mostly extreme anger and hate always end up in a bad way.They make harmful actions which they felt they could release their anger.Being selfish as they think they own the world by bullying those weak ppl. Im not saying that having emotions of hate and angry is a bad thing but it is how you process it, understand and how to release it.How you think is really very important because now in our society have too much information that you could get it from the internet.These information influences us especially kids and teenagers which they couldn't really manage their own temper and could cause tons of social problems. Lastly, it would be more peaceful if we care and love each other.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Video Editing and Production #1

Introduce a Song

Where Is The Love? by Black Eyed Peas

"Where Is the Love?" is a song recorded by American group The Black Eyed Peas. It was released in June 2003.The song was written by, Justin Timberlake, Taboo,, Printz Board, Michael Fratantuno and George Pajon, Jr.. "Where Is The Love?" saw success on radio airplay chart, peaked at number eight on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, and topped the charts in Australia and the United Kingdom. 

“Where Is The Love?” recognizes the world as it is, inculcated with violence and hate.  This song paints a picture of chaos in a broken world.  The lyrics address problems such as violence, terrorism, gangs, racism, hate, and anger.  “Where Is The Love?” looks at the negative impact of disrespect, lies, materialism, selfishness, media, and a lack of values.  The values that should be sought are fairness, equality, understanding, and unity.  Beyond these, the greatest value that can overcome this world of pain is love.  Although Black Eyed Peas upholds love as the hope for straightening out society, they question if such love can even be found.  Emptiness and despair result from the lack of love, described in the song as “feelin’ under” and “feelin’ down.” 

Monday 11 July 2016



Reflection: From this final project I learned a lot about detail drawings, how to proposed a drawings in appropriate method, from this I had done lots of research to learned how to do SOP , RCP, water supply system and others, It help me understand  the construction techniques and translate design drawings into working drawings. Thanks for the help from the lecture and I'm glad to finish everything on time.


Thursday 26 May 2016



For project 2 ( Working& Detail Drawing), we were group for 4 person in a group and that will be me, Chloe, Joscelyn and Beh Zhi Ying. I and Chloe will be doing drawing while Beh Zhi Ying and Joscelyn will be doing the report. Our progress was quite slow in the beginning due to some of the trial and error. But we end up pretty good. For me, the outcome was quite satisfied but there's a lot more rooms for improvement. I and Chloe draw lots of sketches in the beginning although the whole process it's quite rush but everyone of us trust each other and work with each other. We stay overnight and work hard to finish fhe drawings and ofcourse Joscelyn and Beh did the same too for the report. What I think for our group that we really do work with each other, after drawing we helped in report too. I'm happy being in this group and We learned from each other throughout this project. I'm glad that we finish this project on time. Thanks for the group effort and cooperation in this successful project. Without everyone sacrifices we won't be able to come so far. 

Tuesday 10 May 2016


We were construct to take pictures of 3 different type of joinings (Welded , riveted, bolts&nuts/ screw ) in Singapore and draw 2 drawings each with a detail of its joining in this task. But unfortunately , due to some of my personal issue I didn't manage to go for the Singapore Trip so I will have to draw 2 object for each joinings.

Reflection : I went IKEA Damansara to looks for the joining and take pictures from there to accomplish this given task. 

Monday 2 May 2016

Furniture Assembling Drawing (Correction)

Furniture Assembling Drawing (Correction)

Previously we was assigned to produced two A3 drawings with details and specification of the selected furniture in a group. 

Top view, Section, Front View & Details of a Clock Cabinet. 

We was then received some remarks and comment from the other groups and to produced a new drawings with corrections according to the remarks and comments that we received. 


Reflection: Through this task I realized that how important is those small mistake that i always made. Remarks and comment that we received from our class was appreciated and we will take note for not making the same mistakes. Giving us a opportunity to learn from each other.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Observation Detail Life Sketch Journal (IKEA)

Observation Detail Life Sketch Journal (IKEA)
-We are required to do an observation at IKEA Damansara  on 20/4/2016 and sketch 3 different types of furniture (chair, table, cabinet) with different materials. 
- We have to take pictures of the choosen furniture and measure it and sketch it into the journal. 
- Each of the selected furniture must have minimum 2 drawings together with minimum 2 specifications in one page . 

KLINGSBO Glass-door Cabinet 


STOCKHOLM Swivel Chair

Reflection: From this observation task I've learn how to measure a furniture or an object accurately. Going out from my comfort zone and observe the details of a furniture in a public place is a very good start for me .  

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Detailing&Working Drawings Task2

We was given a lecture "Interior Detailing" which will be learning about specification of details drawings . Specification is a written documents to describe the required materials and for the execution of the work. For this task, we was given 3 different furniture pictures to be sketch and to write the appropriate specification.

Exercises that given on lecture class . 


Office Chair


Reflection: From this task I learned how to write appropriate specification to a furniture which is very important for interior detailing and for someone such as a contractor or a manufacturer to easily understand the materials, measurement and others. Other than that, I learned how to observe the details of a furniture. 

Monday 4 April 2016

Detailing & Working Drawings

Detailing & Working Drawings (Sem3 March)
Task was to prepare a new B5 journal book 
with drawings on cover and a observation sketch using pen of the drafting table. 

Front cover

Back cover 

Observation sketch of drafting table with 3 different view (perspective , top and front view ) 

Drafting table chosen.