Tuesday 22 December 2015


Final project 
-6 a2 IDP board 
-One A4 sample board (min 4 real material) 
-Model (80% white ) 
All 1:50 scale 
- Butter paper in A3 folder 
-1 EP board

Thanks for the help of our lecturers. I'm thankful and appreciate for everything that I had successfully done my final projects ! 😊


Monday 12 October 2015


- We are required to create an iconic compact listening booth that suits the mood, music assence nd characteristics that best express the sound followed by our music genre ( EDM )
- Compact and Mechanism are required , research and consideration of ergonomic
- A area given of 1500mm (L) x 1500mm (W) x 2400mm (ht)
- I had done 1 mock up (scale of 1:125) and a final model (scale of 1:75)
- As my understanding of EDM I decided to use triangle as one of my characteristic shapes for my final model. Using different triangle to express EDM in different way by creating triangle walls and furniture to give people a better impression and understanding of EDM.
- A booth that provide two different space , a private an public space to choose how to listen the music. A modified DJ table was created to let them experience how DJ is by moving the DJ disc. A sitting area in a private space to enjoy the rhythm of the song. A chair ladder to let people feel what  EDM stage feels like in that atmosphere, and the experience of height to increase the interest of EDM.
-A A2 presentation board with sketches, drawing and idea.
-Project 2 final submission 12/10/2015















Monday 14 September 2015


-We are required to do a rhythm wall (2400mm*2400mm *300mm) based on our music genre - EDM (Electronica Dance Music)
- My entire idea was about lights. Sparkle and bright lights that shines out from the stage while DJs and others was on the stage doing their remix, peoples are cheering, dancing, shouting from downstage. Through this wall i wanted to express the  atmosphere, emotions, movement of people/lights in a EDM party. Using different thickness of strings to express the brightness of lights. Sharp shapes to represent the high pitch of melody/music and the glaring of lights. Round shapes to represent the volume and the feel of the center of lights.
-My tagline is "LIGHTS UP THE WORLD"
- I make different things on both side so instead of making similar things on both side I decided to play around the shapes and strings while having shadows,depths and see through characteristics on the wall.
- My whole idea or inspiration is all about the expression of EDM lights from a angle or something like a sight from the ground to the stage.
-Lights up the world, wake them up, show the power of EDM !
to be continued....



Reflection: I did my best to express out the texture , shapes, lines and others of EDM though my understanding and observation. I will work it out more for my next assignment especially wordings and workmanship. I'm not satisfied my wording tho. And yes I will improve it in my next modelling. Thanks! :)

Saturday 5 September 2015


- given a assignment to make a info graphic board for the choose genres we had pick. (ELECTRONICA - ELECTRONIC DANCE MUSIC ) 
- a group assignment with Carmen, Imani , Shiang Qian , Zack and Me ( Wen Wei)

Electronic Dance Music infographic board 

 Group photo :)

From the start we plan everything then arrange our topic which who should do which topic. Then we had to think for the design as Imani sketch one of the ideas about the whole design of the infographic board. We agree to make a pop put DJ stage at the bottom of the board. I was assign to do the timeline part the one about EDM history in 1960s to 2000s. Icon was done by Shiang Qian , Imani was assign to do the genres part, Carmen was assign to do the music festivals part and fashion and the last one was Zack by doing the characteristics part. It was my first time doing group assignment with them and first good try. They have very great ideas and design and I learn alot from them. I was then helping them cutting and pasting after I had done my part. The fashion part was quite a interesting part done my Carmen and Shiang Qian. We really do accomplish our teamwork spirit, Zack brought his DJ set to let us know more about EDM and we thought it was a great idea and maybe we could put a great impression for lectures as it was our first assignment in Interior Design Projects 1.
We wore something festival clothes that day for our presentation. haha I hope lecturers would like our presentation and ofcourse our infographic board too. At the end everyone of us done a very good job for the board. Thanks to everyone.  

Saturday 18 July 2015


-Assignment task
-Paraline Projections ( Isometric skill test) , Oblique Projections , One point perspective (grid) , Two point perspective (cube) & Two point perspective ( grid)

- I couldn't find any of those photos while doing this blog. Then I only realize that i had forgotten to take pictures of those assignment.
-Truly sorry that I couldn't let you all see my assignments works
- I'll post it to here as fast as I could after receiving back my portfolio.


-Visual diary task 
- write out different types of font types from A- Z and 0-9 

1st and 2nd try out.

Reflection: I admit that it was quite similar for each type of the fonts that i wrote but I will work out on this lettering.


-Visual diary task

Axonometric drawing
-visual diary task that lecturer ask us to draw out by referring some of the details given out from the lecturer, 
-angled drawing in which the horizontal lines are drawn at 45° - 45° / 30° - 60° angle and the vertical lines are left straight

Isometric drawing
-30 degree angle
-a test given out from lecturer to test our understanding of Isometric.

Two point perspective
- A class on activities given out from lecturer to let us understand how's two point perspective was project out. 


- We are required to take a picture by arranging 6 stationery on a table and sketch them by using the sketching techniques that we have learn. 
-I use crosshatching for my assignment. 
-By showing out the shadows ,we have to shades from light to dark.

A eraser, sharpener , 50 cents coin , pencil, stapler bullet box and a scissors. 


-Plan, Section & Elevation 
-Our assignment for portfolio 
-Cartridge paper & Tracing paper 

Reflection: This assignment was quite tough for me due to my lack of  skills. I had try my best and I will put more effort on my drawing skills. 


-We was required to make a model based on the plan , elevation and section given.
-Using Foam board (model making board ) as our model making material.
-After done, we have to take 3 pictures with different angle of the model.
-Then paste it into a cartridge paper and make a photocopy.

Reflection : This was a group work assignment. It was a great opportunities to meet them and know them more by this assignment.We plan a couples of day by meeting out to make this model done. Everyone was very cooperate. We had done our best . Thanks to all my groupmates !! :)


-By using the correct techniques, use marker or other media as, colour pencils or water colour to render or shadow plans, perspective, elevation and others.

Presentation Drawing Task
-We are required to create our own dream house and design our own title in a A3 landscape format.
-Create our own title of the presentation. 
-Based on Plan, Section, Elevation (1:100 scale)
-Explanation of the house with minimum of 5 lines.
-We have to draw out our outdoor foliage.
-Label the area and the drawing.
-Using monotone colour and add drop shadow.

This was a try out of my presentation drawing.
I didn't manage to take a picture of my whole presentation drawing that i done . 
 (ooops, i forgotten ><)
So, this was the only pic i had. I'll post it after i get my portfolio back ! 

Monday 6 July 2015


-Survival Pod

Survival Pod presentation board 1
- A sketch of my whole survival pod and details of my functions in the survival pod.

Survival Pod presentation board 2
-Description of my survival pod
-Plan, Section and Elevation of my survival pod.
-Pictures of my mock-up model and my final model..

-A story by using the concept of "TOMORROWAND" and features of "AVATAR" to create a storyline which could lead my character to a mysterious island which have no humans but creatures and danger.
-To make it more creative , I make a flip storyboard, which you can just flip to the other page after you read it, Joining all the stories by flipping it. Finally the last stories lead my character falling off to a tree called the voice of tree that was planted on the mysterious island. In this island , I created two types of creatures and it was "Viperwolf" and "Pomegranate Plant" which one attack on night and the other on morning. 
-In this mysterious island , my character had to build up her survival pod to survive. 

Pictures of model in different angle : 

Survival Pod
-My character choose to use bamboo as her main material for her survival pod due to the flexibility & multifunction of a bamboo . Besides that , she found out lots of bamboo in her area. She builds her pod on land due to characteristics of the creatures. She protect her pod by building up her fence using sharps and thorns bamboo fencing by preventing the attack of the creatures. 
- She had her bow and arrows as her weapons. Besides that, she create her own handmade flute as one of her weapon in her pod because one of  the creatures has characteristic of sound sensitivity.

A picture of me and my Survival Pod.

Reflection: I was really very nervous for my presentation but then i was relief that the presentation goes well though I thought I will screwed out. In this making of my pod i change my ideas a lot to make a perfect pod but luckily that I came out of  this design. Despite all the challenges and stressed, I was proud of myself that I manage to finish up my model on time. Thanks you lecturers for the guidance. Yeah!! :)